Ukrainian Society of Appraisers
Unite for development!Our News
Letter TEGoVA 30_03_2020
Board decisions on the organisation of TEGoVA activity in the wake of the generalised virus containment measures
New appointments made to the IVSC Tangible Assets Board
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Invitation lviv 2020
Invitation lviv 2020- Ukrainian Society of Appraisers DEAR COLLEAGUES, we invite you to participate in the XXVІІ International Scientific and Practical Conference «Real estate valuation: problems and solutions» on May 21-22, 2020 Invitation and application Conference...
Our international partners

Royal Institute of Certified Appraisers
London, Great Britain

European Standards Monitoring Association

International Evaluation Standards Board
London, Great Britain

International Federation of Real Estate Specialists
Membership Statement
At present the USOA takes its rightful place among the leading NGOs in Ukraine, which make real efforts to build the national economy and strengthen the state on the world stage. The long-term activity and high authority of the USOA testify to the stability and viability of our organization, the importance of its mission and the need for further development of the Society and its members. The USOA members are united in their efforts to introduce international valuation standards and best international and domestic professional experience into the practice of Ukrainian appraisers.
The Ukrainian Society of Appraisers assigns 3 professional qualification titles to its members: Expert appraiser of the USOA, Leading appraiser of the USOA, Honored appraiser of the USOA. Each qualification has its own requirements for education and experience.
Years with you
Qualifications in USOA
The Ukrainian Society of Appraisers assigns 3 professional qualification titles to its members: Expert appraiser of the USOA, Leading appraiser of the USOA, Honored appraiser of the USOA. Each qualification has its own requirements for education and experience.
- to take advanced training courses in the specialty once every two years;
- submit at least once a year a report on expert evaluation of property and/or property rights in the specialty specified in the Qualification Certificate of the Expert appraiser of the USOA for consideration by the Expert Council of the USOA.
Leading appraiser of the USOA. The qualification rank of the Leading appraiser of the USOA is assigned to appraisers who have experience in evaluating activities of at least 5 years. This qualification is assigned by the USOA Council on the basis of the submission of the USOA Certification Commission. Leading appraiser of the USOA is obliged:
– ensure the implementation of an independent assessment with the highest degree of quality;
– submit to the Expert Council of the USOA at least once every two years a report on expert evaluation of property and/or property rights; – to take advanced training courses in the specialty once every two years;
– to report annually on the development of the expert appraiser profession (which may include the development of lectures (lecture courses), preparation of speeches, abstracts, articles to the printed publications on the evaluation topics, participation in the work of the USOA sections by the chosen specialty or specialties).
Honored appraiser of the USOA. The qualification of the Honored appraiser of the USOA is assigned to leading expert appraisers who have made a significant contribution to the development of the evaluation methodology in Ukraine and have been the USOA members for at least 5 years. Qualification of the Honored Expert Appraiser is assigned by the Congress of the USOA at the request of the enlarged USOA Council with the inclusion in it of the Heads of the regional departments of the USOA, as well as an information notice on personal contribution to the development of the evaluation methodology in Ukraine.
The Honored Expert Appraiser of the USOA shall perform duties provided for the leading expert appraiser of the USOA.
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List of appraisers of members of the USOA
The Ukrainian Society of Appraisers has more than 900 members from 5 countries of the world. Our members are representatives of Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova.
Contact us
Let’s work together

Ukraine, 01133 Kyiv, st. Gen. Almazov, 18/7, of. 209
Tel: +38 044 501 27 76