Recent News
Letter TEGoVA 30_03_2020
Board decisions on the organisation of TEGoVA activity in the wake of the generalised virus containment measures
New appointments made to the IVSC Tangible Assets Board
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Invitation lviv 2020
Invitation lviv 2020- Ukrainian Society of Appraisers DEAR COLLEAGUES, we invite you to participate in the XXVІІ International Scientific and Practical Conference «Real estate valuation: problems and solutions» on May 21-22, 2020 Invitation and application Conference...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Ukrainian Society of Appraisers
USOA in numbers_ENG
USOA in numbers_ENG- Ukrainian Society of Appraisers USOA in numbers_ENG Apply for participation ABOUT USOANEWSIVS APPRAISERS CONTACTS Ukraine, 01133 Kyiv, st. Gen. Almazov, 18/7, of. 209 Tel: +38 044 501 27 76
XXVІІ International Scientific and Practical Conference in LVIV
XXVІІ International Scientific and Practical Conference - Ukrainian Society of Appraisers DEAR COLLEAGUES, we invite you to participate in theXXVІІ International Scientific and Practical Conference «Real estate valuation: problems and solutions» on May 21-22, 2020...
IVS (effective January 31, 2020)
IVS (effective January 31, 2020) - Ukrainian Society of Appraisers The Ukrainian Society of Appraisers, as a member of the International Council for the Standard of Assessment (IVSC), received a full copy of the latest version of the IVS PDF (effective January 31,...
Work on the draft European standards for business evaluation 2020
Work on the draft European standards for business evaluation 2020 - Ukrainian Society of Appraisers The Ukrainian Society of Appraisers, as a member of TEGoVA, took part in the work on the draft European standards for business evaluation 2020, which will be adopted...
Робота над проектом Європейських стандартів з оцінки бізнесу 2020
Робота над проектом Європейських стандартів з оцінки бізнесу 2020 - Українське Товариство Оцінювачів Українське товариство оцінювачів як член TEGoVA взяло участь в роботі над проектом Європейських стандартів з оцінки бізнесу 2020, які буде прийнято на конференції...

Ukraine, 01133 Kyiv, st. Gen. Almazov, 18/7, of. 209
Tel: +38 044 501 27 76